A black and white photo of a woman’s hands gently hugging the neck of a horse, capturing a moment of tenderness and connection.

Forever a Horse Girl At Heart: Life Beyond Your Equestrian Years

Posted Posted in Athletes, Equestrian Mental Health, Lisa Weiss

For many equestrians, riding isn’t a hobby—it’s a part of their identity. The connection with a horse, the community we share with others, and the thrill that comes from riding shape an individual’s sense of self. When this core aspect of identity is disrupted—whether through injury, life changes, or shifts in personal goals—it can lead […]

A close up of a person holding a leash and collar. This could represent a loss that grief counseling in Westfield, NJ can offer support in overcoming. Learn more about the help of a grief therapist in Westfield, NJ can offer by searching grief counseling nj today.

Coping in the Early Days After Pet Loss

Posted Posted in Grief, Lisa Weiss, Trauma

This has been a tough month for me, I said goodbye to my adorable, 9.5-year-old, lion head bunny, Agnes. While she was only 3lbs, she was a huge part of my life. If you’ve just recently lost a pet, I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I am sending over a big virtual hug. […]

Four horses in a snowy pasture in the winter. Learn how counseling in Branchburg, NJ can support equestrians experiencing anxiety and trauma. Search for online group therapy in New Jersey and Florida today.

Winter Escapes: Equestrians’ Guide to Stress-Free Travel from a Dually Licensed New Jersey and Florida Therapist

Posted Posted in Equestrian Mental Health, Lisa Weiss

For equestrians, the winter months can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, the frigid temperatures and snow-covered pastures in northern states like New Jersey can make riding and horse care challenging. On the other hand, the sunny shores of Florida beckon with their promise of warmer weather and ideal equestrian conditions. […]