AnxietyChildrenJessica Pizzo

Art, Music, and Movement Tips: Creativity inspired Coping Skills for Children with Anxiety

A close up of paint and paint brushes. Learn more about the support a child therapist in Branchburg, NJ can offer by searching for child therapy for anxiety. A child psychologist Westfield NJ can help you address anxiety via anxiety counseling in Scotch Plains, NJ.

Today, I reflected on my vision for inspiring parents to empower and support their children. As a mom and therapist, I have tried many different coping strategies with both my child and my clients. But, what is really working? I thought to myself, why not just go directly to the source itself?

I turned to my son and asked “What is something that mommy does that helps you when you are feeling worried?” 

He looked at me lovingly and said “drawing beautiful pictures with you.” 

“And, what is something that mommy does that makes you feel loved when you’re struggling?” He smiled, “dancing, and hugs!” 

My heart swelled with love and pride. 


Coping Skills for Children with Anxiety

Creativity has always been a source of coping for me throughout my life. I danced, drew pictures, and wrote poems on my most difficult days. As a therapist, I have so enjoyed bringing creativity into my approach when working with children. For example, imagine a Taylor Swift dance party in session. Your child is moving their body around, dancing to their favorite song, and feeling inspired. I’m encouraging them to identify things that they like about themselves. The rhythm and the physical movement deepen the connection with their affirmations. This is not an unusual therapy session in managing anxiety in children.Two children dancing and moving in a safe place. Dance and somatic movement can be a coping mechanism for children with anxiety. Find a child therapist in branchburg, nj to help identify creating coping mechanisms through anxiety counseling in Scotch Plains, NJ. Search for child therapy in Scotch Plains, NJ


As a mom, I was thrilled to hear that this form of coping and connection was resonating with my son as well. Connecting to your creative side can feel scary at first. This is especially true if you are not someone who identifies as an “artist”. However, I encourage you to lean into the discomfort that can arise with trying something new. You don’t need to be a professional to connect with your child in this way. I believe we are all artists. Here are some tips for connecting to forms of creativity as coping skills for children with anxiety!  


Dancing / Somatic Movement for Managing Anxiety in Children

Sometimes when a child is experiencing anxiety, you can see physical signs of distress. Their fists clench up. They begin to shake or start sweating. The times when you see anxiety impacting their body, can be a good time to try a somatic movement or dancing exercise! 


Somatic movement is the experience of dancing and moving your body freely to release emotion in your body. Do not focus on what you look like. Focus on what the experience of moving your body feels like! In moments of anxiety, provide your child with education on what is happening to them. Let them know that sometimes anxiety can cause physical sensations. Share one that impacts you. I let my son know that sometimes when I get nervous, my belly starts to hurt. Providing this type of education can help to ease any fears your child may be having about what is happening in their body.  


Communication is Key

I let my son know that when I am feeling anxiety in my body, dancing is my favorite way of moving it out. I put on some music that reminds me of fun childhood memories of my own. Next, I begin to move my body. Then, I invite him to join. I tell him that it doesn’t matter what we look like. 

I wave my arms up in the air.A family of four together at home, sharing the moment in a safe place. Learn how a child therapist in Branchburg, NJ can offer support with anxiety coping skills for kids. Find a child therapist in Scotch Plains or Branchburg and search for anxiety counseling in scotch plains, nj and other services.

Wiggle my stomach.

Stomp my feet. 

I take deep breaths as I move my body. I’m modeling releasing the anxiety from my body with each exhale, as we dance together.  You can try different types of music, for different moods your child may be experiencing. For example, if they are pacing and jumping around the room, you may want to try the song “Shake Your Sillies Out” 

If they are feeling scared, superhero theme songs can help them feel brave. 

The soundtrack to Spider-Man is a fan favorite in my family.


Times of Transition

Does your child struggle with transitions? Anxiety around bedtime, or the before-school morning routine? 

Try bringing a music and movement ritual into your day. Rituals can be grounding during times of transition. Waking up and moving our bodies while singing Marvin Gaye’s “How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You” has been a joyful addition to my son’s morning routine. 

I enjoy sharing music from my childhood and cultural background with my son. Check out John Travolta for somatic movement inspiration from my hometown of Brooklyn, New York. What would this look like for you and your family? During difficult times, what parts of your life and experience can you share with your child through music? Throughout history, music and movement have been powerful forms of expression, and connection. As parents, we can utilize music and movement, as a means of connecting with our children in a fun, and playful way. Dancing is an engaging and effective way to manage anxiety in children! 


Visual Arts as Coping Skills for Children with Anxiety 

Sometimes, anxiety in our children can be visible. Sweating, shaking, clenched fists. Other times, children may show no visible signs of anxiety. They struggle to talk about what they are experiencing. If you think that your child may be experiencing anxiety, and struggling to verbalize their emotions, consider art. Art can be a form of expression and a helpful coping mechanism for working through challenging emotions without words. I suggest having access to multiple art tools in your home. This could be paper, colored pencils, crayons, markers, paint, and paintbrushes. Different tools can be helpful for different emotions, and provide unique sensory experiences. For example, colored pencils might be helpful for focusing when your mind is racing. I find paint markers and watercolors to be especially relaxing. And, these paintbrushes with a rougher sensory experience can be helpful for working through feelings of frustration or anger!

Be Intentional

A close up of different arts and craft items on a table including popsicle sticks, googly eyes, and feathers. Learn more about the support a child therapist in Branchburg, NJ can offer by searching for child therapy for anxiety. A child psychologist Westfield NJ can help you address anxiety via anxiety counseling in Scotch Plains, NJ. If you have an anxious child, I encourage you to try bringing art into your home in an intentional way. During moments of downtime, try coloring with your child. Sitting together quietly and coloring for an intentional 5 minutes, can be a powerful means of connection. Has your child come to you with a bad dream? Encourage them to draw a picture of it. This can help them process. Once the picture is complete, you can talk about it together, if they feel up to it. Then have them rip it up and throw it in the garbage, taking control over the rest of their day! There is no wrong way to bring art into your life or to create art. Each piece of art your child creates can be helpful in reducing feelings of anxiety. Even scribbling with a pen on paper can be soothing in moments of distress. 

Creative outlets such as art, music, and movement, can be a great resource for parents and children as they navigate big emotions. Often when our children are struggling, this can bring up big feelings of our own. If you see your child struggling, and it brings up some discomfort in you, try putting on some music and dancing it out. Alternatively, consider drawing about your feelings together! Creativity can help you connect, and work through big feelings!  I hope that these tips can help bring healing, joyful memories into difficult moments with your child. If your child is still struggling, a child anxiety therapist can help them continue to build their coping skills and thrive. Call to schedule a free phone consultation for child anxiety therapy in Scotch Plains or Branchburg NJ. 


Get Started With a Child Therapist in Branchburg, NJ Today!

Coping skills for a child with anxiety can come in many shapes and forms. A child therapist can help you explore some of those coping options. If you still have questions or want to learn more, do not hesitate to ask us. Our child therapists in Branchburg, NJ, and Scotch Plains, NJ understand the importance of parent involvement. To ensure that you have the parenting support you need and deserve and to begin therapy for your child, follow these steps:

  1. Connect with Brave Minds Psychological Services today for a free 20-minute consultation.
  2. Get your questions answered by one of our experienced therapists.
  3. Begin feeling more hopeful as a parent.


Other Counseling Services at Brave Minds Psychological Services

At Brave Minds Psychological Services, we offer a variety of services from our licensed therapists in order to get you on the right path to healing. Our other services include child sexual abuse therapytherapy for teensanxiety treatment for teens, and teen social phobia therapy. We also specialize in adult anxiety counselingpostpartum counselingbirth trauma therapysexual assault counseling for adultsfood allergy therapyonline therapygroup therapycouples counseling, and counseling for parents.

We also have a blog where we write about a variety of different mental health subjects. If you’re interested in learning more about us here at Brave Minds Psychological Services, please reach out at our Scotch Plains and Branchburg counseling offices!


A clinician with Brave Minds Psychological Services smiles at the camera for a headshot. Learn more about how a child therapist in Branchburg, NJ can offer support with child therapy in Scotch Plains, NJ and other services. Search for anxiety counseling in Scotch Plains, NJ for more support